Sunday, February 10, 2008

Gene Map

Gene Map~ diagram showing the reletive locations of each known gene on a praticular chromosome.

Crossing Over

Crossing-Over~ Homologous chromosomes exchange portions of their chromatids during meiosis.


Tetrad~ Structure containing 4 chromatids that forms during meiosis.


Meiosis~ Process by which the number of chromosomes per cell is cut in half through the separation of homologous chromosomes in a diploid cell.


Diploid~Term used to refer to a cell the contains both sets of homologous chromosomes.
Haploid~ Term used to refer to a cell that conatains one set of chromosomes.


Homologous~ Term used to refer to chromosomes tgat each have a corresponding chromosome from the opposite-sex parent.


Genotype~ genetic makeup of an organsim.